7 Steps To Finding Your Own Style

As I write this week's blog I'm surrounded by some of the most fashionable and on-trend people in the world -- New York City.

I've arrived here from Los Angeles, as part of my (very) whirlwind trip to the US to meet my publisher and see my book "The Capsule Wardrobe -- 1000 Outfits From 30 Pieces"in Barnes & Noble (because I probably wouldn't have believed it otherwise!!!).

Side note: This trip to the US isn't part of a formal book tour but I hope to be back soon for a formal tour to more cities later in the year!

 As I sit here looking at all the beautiful people in LA and NY, I observed that the ones that stood out the most weren't always the ones wearing the most expensive or trendiest outfits from the runway, but those that had learnt how to master the skill of highlighting their best assets and at the same time, clearly loving what they were wearing.

So how do you create your own sense of personal style that is authentic to you?


7 Steps To Creating Your Own Style

Let go of the bad wardrobe karma

If you haven't already, dive in first to our wardrobe detox worksheet here. I'm a firm believer that to develop your true sense of style - you have to first let go of what's not working & start afresh.

When you're determined to create a new look, you don't want the pieces of your past in wardrobe doors each morning -- it's just bad wardrobe karma!!

Conduct a wardrobe detox & start afresh

Observe other styles

Become a student of fashion. By this, I don't mean follow runway trends or the Kardashians like a slave, but do keenly note other people's outfits or styles that you like.

As someone with a zero background in fashion, my style was developed by being a clever copycat! I started by observing what I was attracted to in others' outfits.

It's a skill I still use to this day, working with some younger, groovier kids in their 20's. I observe what they wear and keep my mind open to their take on fashion & style, through a fresher lens.

You can certainly do this by observing celebrities or other style icons and pay attention to what elements of their style that you love!

Observe celebrities or style icons & take note of what you love about their style. Photo : https://www.instagram.com/victoriabeckham/

Keep a mood board or look book

Put your observations above to good use by keeping a mood board or "look book".

Either take photos of your own outfits, clip out pics from a magazine or use something like Pinterest (you can also use the new "save" functionality in Instagram too) to help you to keep track of what elements of other outfits you like.

Having a visual record of what you like (and don't like) is important to work out the common thread in these styles that you'd like to bring to your own outfits in the future.

7 Steps To Finding Your Own Style

7 Steps To Finding Your Own Style

Know your assets & flaws

I haven't met a woman in this line of work, that hasn't complained about her thighs / hips / tummy / legs / knees / arms (you get the gist!).

Yet what I wish I saw more of are women embracing their assets!

For everything that you DON'T like about your body, I'd like you to find one thing you DO love. It could be your swan-like neck, glowing skin, tiny ankles, long limbs, curvaceous bust. Find your assets and make sure to show them off in your new style!

(And if you need some quick and easy tips to instantly boost your body confidence, check out this post here)

7 Steps To Finding Your Own Style

7 Steps To Finding Your Own Style

Know your assets - eg. I try to show off my waist but am aware I need shape wear to keep my tummy suck in.

Create a look

Every great style is developed by treating your outfit as a "look" rather than just an outfit. People with a great sense of style actually love the whole process of getting dressed and creating a specific look.

Rather than treating it as a function, start to enjoy the creation of your next outfit. Think about the image & feeling you'd like to project today. Pay attention to the details that will help you create that look whether it's in your accessories, shoes or colour.

7 Steps To Finding Your Own Style

7 Steps To Finding Your Own Style

Look at all the details in your outfit to create a "look" rather than just an "outfit"

Shop with purpose

When finding your sense of style, don't fall into the trap of shopping without purpose.

Know what you are looking for (your mood board above should assist with this). Know what assets you want to show off and what you're trying to camouflage -- this will help you in selecting the right fabrics or cuts.

In the same way that when you go to your grocery store without a shopping list and come back with really random shizz and NOT what you need to make dinner, you too need to shop fashion with purpose! So make a list and stick to it!

7 Steps To Finding Your Own Style

7 Steps To Finding Your Own Style

Shop with purpose! Know before you go what you're looking for!

Break the habit

Shop for your new style and not your old!

With new styles you may have to force yourself to break the habit of buying in your old style. If you catch yourself picking up the same pieces, going to shops you're familiar with or even just reaching out for the same colours -- tell yourself to put it down and try something new!

With these 7-steps in your fashion vault, download your 7 Steps To Finding Your Own Style checklist here! Stick it up on your wardrobe door and you'll find and create your own style in no time!

With wardrobe happiness,