Hello friend!
It’s a funny old thing, this “mid-life” business…
And you know what?
It IS a business!!
I’ve tried every hair-loss potion, eye-lash serum, anti-wrinkle cream, anti-cellulite oil, hyaluronic lip plumping ointment and chemical peel, in my bid to stay looking “just 10 years younger”.
It all started when I hit 41.
My marriage ended . Wrinkles appeared. I found grey hairs EVERYWHERE.
I held my iPhone torch (and put on glasses) to read.
In our 20’s, we had bravado, time and youth on our side.
In our 30’s, all the confidence in the world and a sense of invincibility.
In our 40’s, this starts to unravel.
Peri-menopause hit me.
Now I need Botox like I need air.
I’m no longer “naturally” fit. I can’t drink and eat to my heart’s content without consequences.
Weight is much, much harder to shift.
I get night sweats. I can’t stand heels. And everything has started to sag.
“The strange thing is - I still don’t feel a day over 30, it’s just that my body isn’t keeping up!!! ”
Don’t get me wrong - I’m not someone that thinks we should throw it all into the wind and let nature take hold.
To age “gracefully” I pat on all the potions and lotions I can afford to keep the wrinkles at bay (haiii to all the beauty companies that have me on your VIP mailing lists btw…. and my Botox lady whom I love very much).
And I started to get consistent and conscientious about staying fit. Initially it was to lose my perimenopause belly fat (which I thought was here to stay) and then it became to much more. I HAD a real stop / start and love / hate relationship with diet and exercise but it is now a part of my lifestyle - and I love the feeling of getting stronger and fitter to see me through older age, so much so that I am a certified FASTer Way To Fat Loss coach.
“Growing older is a grace we are lucky to have. And while we don’t have to love being “middle-aged” :) we can do it with grace, style & F U N.”
As we get older, I’ve started to realise:
It’s OK to want to keep looking good - and be able to discuss this without people calling us vain.
It’s never too late to reverse or change any life decision you’ve made - from your relationships or your career or health / fitness - because you deserve to be happy.
That as a community, we SHOULD talk more about mid-life because it’s a real thing.
“This is an online space to talk about life, ageing, our fears and hopes. ”
So let’s get together and learn:
how to make delicious food because life is worth eating well
how to dress so our muffin tops from all that eating disappears
how to exercise without throwing out our backs
how to change life directions and “start again”
how to talk about the “taboo” topics because why not? Zero pharks as they say…
So join me and a community where our ramblings will hopefully help you navigate 40 plus and more, or at least make you laugh!